Connecting the dots between families,
learning goals and the homeschool environment

Hi, I’m Sarah Collins, 

With 15 years experience as an Occupational Therapist plus 6 years as a homeschool mom, I’m ready to be your advocate.

Any homeschool family can and should thrive…but that doesn’t mean that homeschooling is easy. In fact, sometimes it almost feels impossible.

When a child has walked out of the room for the 15th time because he just can’t focus.

And another child is crying over the number of math problems on a page.

And, after a month of gentle instruction on pencil grip there are still tantrums everyday.

You feel like you can never be enough for your children.

I get it! 

Homeschool OT will support you, the parent, by helping you to understand the “why” and then implement strategies into your homeschool day so your child can be successful in what they specifically need and want to do!

Support You Need, Now!

Bring your questions each week to office hours for group discussion and support.  

  • No waitlist for support.  
  • Profession support who knows homeschooling families
  • Growing resource library to help your family 
  • Monthly Book Discussions to help you grow as a parent and homeschool teacher

Take a Deep Dive with Us...

A dedicated space to learn about one topic in depth.  Each Focus Group includes the latest research and offer practical solutions for your family with the homeschool context in mind. All courses are run on the Mighty Network Platform, away from the noise of Social Media

Topics available include: Handwriting, Sensory Processing & Executive Functioning